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The comment section is intended for intellectual discussions over symmetry and aesthetics.
Insultive/bigoted/sexually explicit comments and political discussions are prohibited.
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Insultive/bigoted/sexually explicit comments and political discussions are prohibited.
Describing of fantasies is prohibited. Videos/links must follow the same standards as photos.
In short - stay classy ;)
* Enforced by The Guild more info
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2020-04-30 21:53:42 i made an account on this godforsaken site because of a f*cking tweet
5 stars |
User rated ★(ugly feet)
2020-04-30 22:15:10 https://twitter.com/dannygonzalez/status/1255720524728107008
Yeah, we know. Welcome? |
2020-04-30 23:42:46 did we ever hear anything more from the mods about celebs encouraging people to post here/manipulate their ratings?
User rated ★(ugly feet)
2020-05-01 00:08:44 Manipulate the ratings? Everyone gives five stars on here. Lepers get five stars. Centaurs.
User rated ★★(bad feet)
2022-06-12 08:53:55 Kinda agree with '..Pork.... - been here a few months now and just about every guy gets 5 stars. I know it's an opinion thing and it's ok to give 'ok' or 'nice' too - not every guy with a cute face and six pack automatically gets 5 star feet... :)
2021-07-15 03:41:50 an old video of his https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qEjuAO2DUh8
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
2021-07-15 08:29:20 Thanks!! 😄
2021-03-20 09:33:13 its from this vine https://vine.co/v/O9uL1g3riuQ
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
2021-03-20 18:55:07 Thanks! :) I didn't know you could still find these vines!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2020-06-03 04:11:55 He should show them off more when they’re not swollen if he wants a better score
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2020-04-30 13:49:42 Honestly, those feet are truly greg and I would high-five them with my feet in solidarity (after quarantine of course)
User rated ★★★(ok feet)
2020-02-21 00:39:14 He is so handsome. His feet totally don't suit him. Not great.
User rated ★(ugly feet)
2020-02-21 03:59:51 Agreed.